Solidus Network and Systems security services provide more than just assurances, and allows your organization to adopt a proactive security posture while providing advanced insights into overall operations. Augmenting Solidus monitoring services with advanced event correlation systems, Solidus Security Services can provide everything from basic management alerts to automated systems responses when threatening behavior is detected on systems or networks.

Cyber Security Compliance

Soldius offers a full scope of Cyber Security Compliance, Commissioning, Auditing and Reporting solutions. Integrity assurance, data encryption and systems security. All these are tied together with advanced auditing and monitoring tools to accurately report those metrics necessary to allow your privacy and security officers to stay up-to-date with your environments compliance posture at a glance.

Network Security

Whether dealing with malware on your corporate smartphone or an advanced persistent threat on multiple servers, in most cases malicious software infiltrates systems, communicates or exfiltrates data using network connections. Solidus network monitoring captures and analyzes your network traffic at key points to identify threatening behavior.

Advanced Correlation

Monitoring Networks, Systems and Devices is the first step, but gathering and analyzing the monitoring data provides proactive alerts and triggers automated systems responses to ensure the risk to data is minimized. Your Antivirus can tell you a user workstation has a virus, while an automated systems response can shutdown that workstations network connection to prevent the virus spreading and decrease the risk of data leaving the network.


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